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How to Get Rid of Blackheads in the Ears

Blackheads are a skin problem such as pimples and acne that unfortunately do not just occur in the face. There are also blackheads in the ear. These often annoying and visually awful skin blemishes happen due to a combination of dead skin cells, sebum or oil, and other dirt and impurities that block the skin pores, becoming a hard substance appearing just beneath the skin because the sebum turns black when it is exposed to oxygen. Naturally then, those with oily skins or any other combination of skin types are more prone to having blackheads. Risk factors, which can increase and further expand the pores, include hormones, certain medications, stress, and is even hereditary at times.

Ear blackhead removal involves various methods from the all-natural, homemade remedies, the use of different medications and chemicals, to the methods you can avail in professional beauty salons and dermatology clinics. And it could be more difficult than originally imagined. Similarly, prevention can be overlooked. So maintaining a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet can greatly assist. But when things seem to worsen, the dermatologists are always there to guide and provide assistance. For the meantime though, below are the ways you can get rid of blackheads in the ear.

1.Always Clean Your Ears

Obviously, the number one, easiest reminder (because sometimes, it gets neglected) not just to get rid of blackheads in the ear but to maintain an overall healthy condition for the hearing organ is to clean it regularly, if not all the time. Doing so will help prevent excess wax and dead skin cells from building up, especially an overproduction of sebum or oil as it is the main cause of blackheads in the ear. Taking shower is the most appropriate time to do so but also in the most appropriate way.

You can actually go with the gentle cleanser you regularly use for your face or any gentle foaming and oil-free products. You can also use your fingers, provided that it’s clean and you don’t have sharp nails or a soft clean washcloth. Using cotton swabs particularly on a constant basis is not recommended, as it only pushes the ear wax further inside. In scrubbing your ears, remember not to overdo it to prevent irritating the skin. Lastly, shampooing your hair daily will prevent the excess oil and dirt in the hair to go down into your ears. And also, every after a shower, pull up your hair so it doesn’t touch the ears.

2. Warm Compress

Warm compress is an effective ear blackhead removal. In the preceding item, we discussed the importance of cleaning your ears. Part of it is expanding and thus opening up the pores so as to remove much easier the excess sebum or oil, dead cells, and other skin impurities that blocked the skin pores, which in turn can lead to blackheads in the ear. A hot shower will help you in doing that. But usually, the remedy brought by a warm compress will simply do the trick. This is in addition to its ability to help ease the pain associated with it.

All you need to do is to boil, preferably a cup of water, and soak a clean washcloth carefully in it. The water should be really hot and not just warm to open up the pores much faster. After carefully squeezing out the water off the washcloth, gently apply it as a warm compress to your ear and hold it there for at least 5 minutes and not more than 10. You can use this remedy for two to three times a day and apply it to both of your ears depending on your preference. You can further use gentle cleanser if you want. See your ear looking so fresh after the treatment.

3. Exfoliate

Perhaps you will come to the point where you realize that simply washing and cleaning up your ear even with a warm compress and a gentle cleanser seems not enough, especially when dead skin cells begin to accumulate. And so here is where exfoliation comes in. Guess exfoliating is no longer just for the face but is also now for ear blackhead removal, isn’t it? In doing so, you are basically unclogging your pores by removing the impurities and thereby allowing fresh and healthier skin cells to resurface and making the skin in your ear look cleaner.

The salicylic acid in some chemical exfoliant products should be used in moderation and if possible, with the recommendation of your doctor; note that natural means can also be done. Simply put an adequate amount of the exfoliant on a cotton swab and directly apply it to your ear in a gentle manner to remove the dirt as much as possible. Do this at least once every week and preferably after a shower where your pores are open.

4. Acne Medication and Oil-free Products

Over-the-counter medications for acne and other skin problems can be a good ear blackhead removal. Aside from the salicylic acid discussed just above contained in various toners, astringents, and regular cleansers, other medications include benzoyl peroxide that is also effective. In using them, it is important to remember to apply them just once a day at first to see if your skin is not sensitive to the chemicals. Also, bear in mind not to overuse these products. Use them as recommended because of the skin in and around your ears, just like with the face, is sensitive and can get irritated after using too many products.

Also, remember not to dry out your skin as oil glands tend to produce more oil or sebum which can aggravate the condition. As much as possible, opt for non-comedogenic skin care products. It means that the product is formulated especially not to block pores. Oil-free products are much better too; such as when you use sunscreens and lotions.


For some, extraction may be the last resort as an ear blackhead removal. Well, in any case, it certainly sounds more effective, safer, and faster than using your own hands and fingernails and whatsoever objects that could mark or cut your skin. Nonetheless, considering extraction using an extraction tool is easier said than done, especially since you can’t obviously look into your own ear, which necessitates the help of another person. Or a professional salon just to have it effectively done.

First, ensure that the skin is clean; make use of a warm compress and even an exfoliant to make the whole process much easier. Next, disinfect the blackhead extractor with rubbing alcohol. Using the tool is easy, simply press down the metal loop firmly on the edge of a blackhead and sweep it up to remove the dirt. Do not put too much pressure especially when the blackhead proves to be too stubborn as it can scar the skin and even lead to infection. Afterward, wash your ear with lukewarm water and apply some benzoyl peroxide cream or other antiseptic creams to prevent infection or if you so desire. You can do this up to twice at a time. Another method for ear blackhead removal is microdermabrasion, a fast yet quite pricey method done professionally in salons or clinic. This is good for those suffering from other kinds of skin problems.

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